Important Instructions

  • Enter all the relevant details carefully.
  • A password will be sent from VIT to your registered e-mail id. Once registered with an email address, it cannot be edited or changed. Hence, ensure an active current email address is given and the credentials are stored for future access.
  • All the communications will be sent to your registered e-mail id. Request for change of e-mail id will not be entertained under any circumstances.

  • Login to registered users with the email id and password received from VIT. Kindly store the credentials safely for future correspondence.

  • Provide all relevant details carefully, before submission.
  • An application number will be generated after completion.
  • Refer your application number for all your future correspondence.

  • Before applying online please be ready with (.jpeg) file of Photograph [Passport format].
  • Photograph Image : The photograph must be in color and should be taken professionally in a studio with the following specifications:
      1. The photograph must be taken against a light background. Only White/off-white background is preferred.
      2. The photograph must show the full frontal view without tilting of face, both ears visible, open eyes with neutral expression.
      3. Make sure there is no glare from spectacles and no blur in the focus.
      4. The file should be only in JPEG format.
      5. The file size of the photograph should be within 15 kB to 300 kB.
      6. The photograph dimension should be of Width(300 to 400 pixels) X Height (400 to 550 pixels).
      7. The photograph should not be too dark or too bright but should have optimum exposure.
      8. The photograph should have only one face.

  • Age proof (Proof of citizenship / National ID).
  • For NRI candidates, a copy of the Passport & VISA of their parents. If foreign candidates, a copy of the Passport of the applicant.
  • 11th grade / AS Level / Form V and 12th grade / A Level / Form VI mark sheets.
  • UG & PG Consolidated / Semester-wise mark sheet until the final year. If the results are awaited, until the pre-final year. (For Ph.D. programme).
  • If Direct Ph.D., (B.E. / B.Tech, B. Sc. (Agriculture 4 year)) Consolidated / Semester-wise mark sheet until the final year. If the results are awaited, until the pre-final year.
  • Qualifying UG / PG Degree or Provisional Certificate (as applicable).
  • Template for two-page research proposal for Ph.D. / Direct Ph.D. applicants

  • The application will be available for download after completion.

  • Issue of application :25-March-2025
  • Last date to apply : 30th April (July Session) , 30th September (December Session)
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